General Info
Địa Điểm: Đan Viện Biển Đức Thiên Tâm, 13055 SE County Road 4271, Kerens, TX 75144
Thời Gian: Từ 4:00 PM Thứ Năm Ngày 17 Tháng 3 đến 12:00 PM Chúa Nhật Ngày 20 Tháng 3 Năm 2022.
Ban Điều Hành (BDH):
Tuyên Uý Sa Mạc (TU): | Lm. Anton Teresa Nguyễn Nam Việt (CSsR) |
Sa Mạc Trưởng (SMT): | Tr. Giuse Nguyễn Đình Bảo |
Sa Mạc Phó I (SMP): | Tr. Magarita Đặng Ánh Tuyết |
Sa Mạc Phó II (SMP): | Tr. Theodore Phạm Thiên Anh |
Tổng Trực I (TT): | Tr Giuse Hà Văn Jimmy |
- Sổ Khoá Sa Mạc – This booklet contains important lesson information for your training. Please read it prior to camp and have either a hard or soft copy present at check-in. (Downloaded on your cell phone is acceptable).
- Pre-Camp Assignments – Please work on both individual and team assignments and prepare all necessary items listed prior to entering the training camp. Please ask your team mentor (listed under your team) if you have further questions.
- Team Assignments – Attached is your team assignment for the camp. Please reach out to your teammate if you have not done so and introduce yourself to your team. If there is anyone that has not received this email, please notify Ban Điều Hành Sa Mạc to have them added into the emailing group: [email protected]
- Phụng Vụ Assignments – Please work with your team on the attached assignments related to liturgy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tr. Nhien for more information: [email protected]
E-Learning Info
E-Learning Training Online – Please use the following link to access your online training. The online training is required, and must be completed prior to your entrance at the training camp.
- Your E-learning training session dates are:
- Sunday, February 20th, 2022 @7PM CST
- Sunday, February 27th, 2022 @7PM CST
- Each session will have 2 courses, each of which will last 1-hour
- If you cannot attend any of the live sessions for any reason, please contact BDH SM directly and state your reason.
Topic: E-Learning Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 8269 0200 Passcode: phero17
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