New Promotion Procedures


1. Create a folder for every single candidate and use the naming system below.

HT.C1 First Last name

Ex: HT.C1 Steven Nguyen

2. Double check for the following

2.1. Post-Camp Verification Form

-Verify the form with SMT signature  or Designee’s signature

2.2. DXTC Form

-VEYM ID Number

– Sacrament of Confirm – Yes

-Signature of Candidate

2.3. Code of Conduct

-Ask the candidate to log in membership profile and digitally sign.  Take a screenshot of the page.

-Please ask the candidate to contact VEYM IT to provide support if they have difficulties to update their profile.

2.4. Background check and/or Protecting God’s Children/Sexual Misconduct training

-Verify the expiration date on the certificate

-Verify the signature of the Parish Office if it’s the letter from them

2.5. Excel Promotion Spreadsheet

-Check VEYM ID of the candidate on

-Verify the photo of the candidate (in uniform)

-Verify if there is any “yellow” pending status.  If yes, please ask the candidate to update their profile.

3. Name all files the same way.


DXTC_Steven Nguyen

Post-Camp Verification_Steven Nguyen

Protecting God’s Children_ Certificate