Dominican Sisters Day of Reflection

What: Day of Reflection
When:Sat. Feb. 4th, 2023 @7am-7:45pm (come & go as needed)
Who: Ladies ages 15-35
Where: St. Catherine Convent (5250 Gasmer Dr., Houston, TX 77035)
How: Register at

Through the ups and downs, tears and laughter of any journey – one comes to better know oneself as well as others. A beautiful way to experience this is by living in a community. We invite you to come and visit us for a day to experience how we live our Dominican communal life. This is a good opportunity for those who wish to have some personal interactions with the Sisters but are unable to attend the longer Vocation Retreats … or for those want to simply “come away to a quiet place” to be with our Lord.

We invite you to humbly, faithfully, and courageously embark on this journey. Albeit an arduous journey at times, vocational discernment is undeniably rewarding. May God continue to bless you as you seek His will for your life.